By Correspondence 2000
7 Pages, 2022
Definition of a SLIder person
The first study on the street lamp interference effect was carried out by Hilary Evans coordinator of the SLIDE project with ASSAP. (the association for the scientific study of abnormal phenomena). Mr. Evans was a British UFO and paranormal researcher. He produced a 55-pages document on the phenomenon of SLIders. The term SLIder comes from this document.
SLI : (street light interference) is street light interference.
SLIder: is a person who experiences interference on street lights.
A SLIder is a person who, by his presence, remotely causes the involuntary extinction of certain street lights in a random manner.
When walking, cycling or driving, the presence of the person at a certain distance from a street lamp forces it to go out. The phenomenon can occur several times with the same street lamp or different street lights during the same evening. The person must be some distance from the lamp for the phenomenon to occur. This distance varies depending on the location and the height of the street lamp.
The subject can be a man or a woman. Generally, it is adults who report being SLIders. The phenomenon of SLIders seems to be most often associated with people who have had a near-death experience or other type of traumatic event.