Our Suggestions for Web Hosting and Domain name



Our Suggestions for Web Hosting and  Domain name 


Normally for their first website, people start with a free hosting service. After some time, with experience and knowledge, they quickly realize the limitations of free services. Very often free hosting company  to monetize their service require the display of advertising on the users sites. For a person without experience in this field, it is difficult to make a good choice. To help people who start with a paid hosting service cor2000.com website has compiled a short list of hosting providers and domain name registrar. They are only a suggestion. We believe these businesses are serious and offer a good product. The great competition in this industry provides consumers with very reasonable prices. Do not forget that there are many other reputable companies. Sometimes, for an inexperienced person, a small local hosting company that offers a good  support in the language of the person may be a good choice even if the prices are a bit higher.